Thursday, December 8, 2011

Poor Chicks!

December already! Another year flies by.

I am getting ready for my last show of the year, in San Francisco. I leave tomorrow to drive up there. I hate driving!

It takes me 7 or 8 hours to get there from her in Crestline. I will arrive at the Concourse Exhibition Center around 11 am. I will set up my both, which takes about 2 hours, perhaps a bit more. Then I will drive back down to San Bruno to my hotel and collapse, get ready for Saturday. Sounds fun? As I get older it has become something I sort of dread doing.

I went out to the dungeon this morning to check on the pots I made. Some were dry enough for me to clean up the bottoms and sign them. I did that to 10 coffee cups and had to stop. The pots were so cold it hurt to touch them! This is unexpected. I can no longer mindlessly make pottery! I have to think about freezing my hands off. Everything takes longer than what I am used to. So, I came in the house to do laundry and pack my bag. I never know what to take so I take everything. My truck must weigh 2 tons when I leave. Hopefully it will weigh much less on the return trip : ) .

My neighbors have (had) chickens! Apparently a bear ripped the fence open and the chicks got out. I found one yesterday in the street and returned her. When I went into the backyard, my dogs had found another. Needless to say, that one didn't make it. Very sad, bad dogs!

My daughter Carly and her husband Aaron are coming up here while I am gone, to feed the beasts and hopefully fix the fence where dogs are escaping. I hope they find no more chicks!

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