Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Potter

After much thought I have decided to try blogging. I'm not sure where it will go but here goes...

I am recovering from last weekend's show...Contemporary Crafts Market in Santa Monica. This is an amazing show with 250 artists participating. The show promoters (Roy Helms & Associates) are more than wonderful. It is a long weekend (set up on Thursday, then Friday , Saturday & Sunday) and exhausting. It rained, and combined with,the bad economy, just wasn't as pleasant as it could be.

I drove down the mountain on Thursday, set up and then did some errands. I went to Target and bought an electric blanket (my first!). When I finally got home Sunday night (after worrying all weekend that I could not get home because of snow) I was so tired, forgot the blanket in my truck. Sheesh! It was so cold in my bed I couldn't move for fear of hitting a frozen spot. Monday I re-made my bed with the blanket, turned it on, then got in. Paradise! I didn't get out of bed all day! I was finally warm.

I stayed with my daughter, Carly, and her husband Aaron on Thursday night. It was very good to see them and I wish I could see them more often. The other nights I spent with my friends Diane & David. They live closer to the show...one half hour or so, depending on traffic. It was lovely to visit, and they fed me, too!

I woke up this morning , fed the dogs, found 1/2 inch of ice on their water bowl. It freezes???? This is weird. I hate that. It was way colder than it has to be, what's up with that? I went into my studio, and my throwing water was frozen, too. No way am I making pots today. I will do a bisque firing, then glaze and paint tomorrow. The plates I threw last week before leaving cracked, I guess they froze, I have no idea. My work week is much different than I thought it could be. I am not sure I can work in this cold! Maybe I will get used to it, but I think not. I bought some oil paints this morning so at least I can entertain myself. I have never used oils, and as long as they don't freeze, I am looking forward to having a bit of paint-fun.

Other than the cold, I like living in the mountains. It is very quiet, and I rarely drive faster than 30 miles an hour. There is NO traffic. I have dozens of huge pine cones from my trees that I can use as kindling, when I finally decide to start a fire in my fireplace. I just don't sit in the living room much. Now that I have my electric blanket, I will probably read a thousand books in my bed!

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